Dear Mr. Fiasco,
I'm am one of your many fans in Chicago. I'm writing this in response to your new project Japanese Cartoon. Please stop. I implore you not to let the music industry become one giant race to out hipster Kanye. First 808's and Heartbreak comes out and then all of a sudden Lil Wayne starts whining about high school girls and you start pretending to be a British guy. Look, the last artist who pretended to be British was Madonna so I don't need to say anything more about how this has the potential to ruin your creativity and career. Recycling shitty post punk riffs when you're bored instead of promoting other FNF artists is a selfish use of your time. I'm posting the song only out of respect for your earlier work. Frankly, if the CRS album doesn't blow my fucking mind you're going to be dead to me. We all love you because you're from Chicago, stop acting British.
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